Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory)


The Bounce Program helps get the best out of yourself by improving your self-awareness and confidence. This course is designed to enhance your personal and professional skills through the Bounce Program and improve your language and literacy skills. It also provides tips and techniques for identifying jobs that best suit you. The course provides you with greater confidence and motivation to look for work and apply for jobs. 
People with a disability are encouraged to apply.

What you will gain

  • Improved self-awareness and understanding of the jobs that best suit you
  • A personal career plan
  • Understanding of what makes a competitive resume and cover letter 
  • Improved interview skills and techniques 
  • Greater self confidence in approaching employers and applying for jobs
  • Statement of Attainment for successful completion of units of competency listed below


Course content

Units of competency 

  • VU21664 Prepare for employment 
  • VU22358 Develop learning goals
  • VU22359 Conduct a project with guidance
  • VU22360 Engage with simple texts for personal purposes 
  • VU22361 Engage with simple texts for learning purposes 
  • VU22362 Engage with simple texts for employment purposes 
  • VU22365 Create simple texts for personal purposes 
  • VU22366 Create simple texts for learning purposes 
  • VU22367 Create simple texts for employment purposes 
  • VU22369 Work with simple numbers and money in familiar situations 
  • VU22450 Work with and interpret simple directions in familiar situations 
  • VU22374 Develop verbal communication skills 
  • BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others 
  • VU22383 Identify common digital media 
  • VU22375 Apply basic computer skills to language learning  
  • VU22372 Work with and interpret simple numerical information in familiar texts  
  • VU21666 Participate in job seeking activities 
17 units from the 16-unit qualification in 22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) are delivered in this course

Course Delivery

Classroom based in a supported learning environment
Time: 9 am – 3:30 pm
Days: 34 days over approximately 8 weeks 


Practical activities, case studies, written exercises

Enrolment Requirements

To enrol in the course, you must attend an information session. Please view the information session dates, times and locations below.
Please make sure you bring to the information session your:

1. Evidence of Citizenship – One piece of identification from the list here
​2. USI number –  You must have a USI number prior to applying for a course 
You can locate your USI by visiting here: www.usi.gov.au/students/find-your-usi
If you do not have a USI you can create a USI here: www.usi.gov.au/providers/create-usi-student
3. Concession card – (if applicable) a concession fee can be applied: Health Care Card, Veterans Card, Pension Card
4. Email address and login details in order to complete the course application 


There is no prerequisite for this course. 

Fees and Charges

There is no cost to you if you are eligible for Victorian Government Skills First funding. For more information on eligibility please go to Victorian government skills first funding.
If you are not eligible for Victorian Skills First and Commonwealth funding fees will apply. Please go to Fees and charges. 

You may also be eligible for fee support through the Jesuit Social Services Student Support Fund. For information on the Support fund please go to Student Handbook.
We encourage you to discuss your personal circumstances with one of the Jesuit Community College authorised staff.
This course is a Centrelink approved activity for Job Seekers.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.

For more details or to book a place in an information session, please click the ENQUIRE button or call our Business Development Officer, Gianfranco Lucchetti on 0437 260 908


Upcoming Courses

Course – Information Session Location Course Start Date Course End Date
Bounce Change Happens 7: Information Sessions 23rd and 24th April, 9:30am-12pm & 12:30pm-3:30pm Sarina Russo Job Access, 1/4A Bridge Street, Werribee VIC 3030 28/04/2025 24/06/2025